Friday, March 13, 2009


We have been busy. The kids are do good. They are testing the waters at the moment. The girls got thier report card yesterday. Haylee made the A B honor roll. She had 3 A's and 1 B. Her teacher said that she is doing very well. Her B was in math but I think it is because she is blowing it off as to easy. The curriculum here is easier then carlsbad. Erin got all A's. They dont grade first graders. They get numbers. They do give them a reading level and she reads at a second almost third grade level. Her teacher said she is very bright. That is because Haylee will tell you if she knows what your doing but Erin sits there and listons then she does the paper in 2 seconds. I am so proud of them. They do so well in school. If I can get Tyler to sit still he will be very smart to. Sorry there are no pictures. They would all be them beating up on eachother.

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