Saturday, February 28, 2009

our trip

we had a good day to today. we went to Tucson and walked around the mall. the kids had a blast. Their favorite part was the candy store. We have discovered that kryssi can't have anything to sour. Shw had some sour candy and as soon as it hit here tummy she started coughing and throwing up. thank God it was just once and it was over. she did the same thing with lemon juice the other day so she has been band from sour. that is sour not hot the kid still eats jalapanos with daddy.
To night was rough but I think we made it though it. All the kids are so scared of jaguars. Rget think they are going to break down the walls and come in the house. We said our prays and so far we are all asleep. We will see how many I have in bed with us tonight.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


this is what most of my days ae like with the 2 red headed kids at home. They are monkeys. when they get quite you have to go find them right way. although they dont get in to stuff that much. I usualy walk in the room to find them hanging or under a pile of toys. It will be quite when tyler goes to school in august.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tucson Zoo

Here are some pictures of the kids at the Tucson Zoo. They had a blast. We went with some friends. All the kids got to feed the giraffes. They put these cookie things on the tounges of the giraffes. none of them were very scared i was happy about that. Haylee was the only one scared but that was cause one giraffe wanted to eat her hat. Kryssi liked the monkeys, Tyler liked the green snake, Erin liked the big fish, and Haylee like the ant eater.